Cancellation Policy

  • ​Whenever you cancel any tour or service for whatsoever the reason, cancellation charges will be applicable according to the Cancellation Policy mentioned in the Terms & Conditions of ​FLY IN HEAVEN PVT.LTD.
  • As per the Cancellation and Refund Policy, the applicable refund will be processed within ​60TO 90 working days of confirmation of the cancellation.
  • Once the booking is cancelled, it cannot be reinstated. Any reversal/ re-booking will be treated as fresh booking and additional charges may apply.
  • Date of the cancellation request email sent by the guest (unless decision withheld or changed), will be considered as the date of cancellation and the cancellation charge will be applicable accordingly.
  • ​FLY IN HEAVEN reserves the right to cancel/ postpone/ re-schedule any tour under force majeure situation like natural calamity, epidemic, pandemic, terrorist activities, political unrest, curfews, local riots, Misconduct towords company, government orders etc. or uncontrollable factors like airline operation/ schedule change, disruption due to political/ sports/ local/ VIP event etc. at the destination considering the safety of the tourists.
  • If guest wants to change the destination, then decision will depend on the cooperation of the associates like airlines, hoteliers, transporters etc. Such a decision will require time and will be given as early as possible. If the selected tour’s price is more, then guest will have to pay the difference before the tour departure. In case the tour price is less, then the remaining amount will be kept in a credit shell with ​FLY IN HEAVEN. No refund is applicable for the credit shell.
  • Guest is required to pay full tour price at the time of booking/ 60 days/ 45 days prior to the tour departure date. If the payment is not received during the mentioned time frame, then ​FLY IN HEAVEN reserves the right to cancel the booking without any written notification from the guest and forfeit the paid amount.

Cancellation charges will be applicable as per the below mentioned cancellation policy

Amount of Cancellation charges you must pay in % on your Total tour price. Cancellation charges applicable on total tour cost/price in % as below. applicable

  • Before 50 days 50%
  • Before 30 Days 60%
  • Between 20 to 16 Days 70%
  • Between 15 to 11 Days 80%
  • Between 10 to 7 days 90%
  • Between 6 days to 0 days / On the day of departure 100% and On Tour 100% cancellation applicable
  • *company terms & conditions apply

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    Mr. Vivek M Kumbhar

    CEO & Founder

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